Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reed's Reads

Welcome to Reed's Reads! Yes, I am well aware that this is my extremely nerdy side showing itself in big, bright colors. However, this is more or less a healthy way for me to express my love for books to a small crowd... like the women of my family, who love me no matter what! I saw that a great woman who helped me get through my college years was doing this, and I loved the idea so much I just had to copy it myself! So, throughout the year I will be posting about the books I read, and my honest opinion of them (no surprise there). And I'm going to start off with my top 10 favorites of 2010. FYI: Many of the books I read come from the same authors, so sorry in advance for any redunancies... and I still read juvenile fiction, part of the fifth grade teacher in me. Bare with me, I do have some good tastes from time to time, I promise!

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