Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The People of Sparks by Jeanne DePrau

My class just finished reading the sequel to The City of Ember, called the People of Sparks yesterday. Typical of a series, I felt like the first book was ten times better. This book picks up where we left off with the people of Ember leaving their underground world and searching for a new life. Lina and Doon lead the Emberites and find the town of Sparks. Naturally, when you bring two groups of people together there is going to be some disagreements. Food, shelter, and survival skills become a consistent battleground for these people and they quickly escalate into reaching the point of war. This book addresses how it is important to be nonviolent, and if someone does something bad to you you should strive to do good back to them. Otherwise, you end up where the characters in this book did. We are moving onto the third book in this series, which is actually the prequel, or the story before, the City of Ember.

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