Thursday, May 5, 2011

29 by Adena Halpern

I ordered this book because it reminded me so much of my own grandmother. I really enjoyed this book, one of the most heartwarming and endearing books I've read in awhile. Ellie, a 75-year-old woman, wishes upon her birthday candles that she could be 29 again for one day. Her wish comes true and hilarious problems arise, leaving the reader giggling along with the tale of an old lady in a young woman's body once again. She spends the day with her granddaughter, Lucy. They try to fulfill her youthful wishes from new clothes, haircut, and love. In the mist of it, Ellie's best friend and daughter go on a searching rampage for her that is quite comical as well. In the end she finally realizes who the true love of her life has always been. "You're only young twice!"

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