Tuesday, April 19, 2011

43 Old Cemetery Road: Over My Dead Body by Kate Klise

The sequel to the previous book I read... just as cute. This time a man named Dick Tater is out to get the trio because of their irregular arrangement of an old man, ghost, and young boy living together under the same roof writing ghost stories. Tater uses this opportunity to speak out against ghosts and to attempt to cancel Halloween. Grumply gets committed to the Illinois Home for the Deranged and has Seymour sent to the orphanage until his parents come to pick him up from their tour in France. Because the next 3 chapters in their book will not be published on time they decide to publish some of Olive's old manuscripts, but it becomes a problem since she can't remember where she hid them.Of course things get ironed out in the end, and it appears that there is a third installment to this new series. 

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