Monday, April 4, 2011

Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli

It's been a while since I have read a Jerry Spinelli book, but this one seems different from all the rest. It has his same writing style but the storyline is much different. One of the girls in my class who is obsessed with Holocaust novels was ranting and raving about this book. Since I share a liking for that genre of books as well, I had to read it. This juvenile novel shows the reader the view of World War II through the eyes of a young orphan who stays alive through stealing. This is why he calls himself Stopthief when meeting a group of orphan boys just like him that live together to survive. His new friend and protector Uri then gives him the life story that he will tell soldiers, who they call Jackboots, if asked. Now he is Misha Pilsudski, a young gypsy. The young boy has an uplifting attitude about everything going on at that time, only because he does not fully understand what's going on in the world around him. He must survive in the ghetto and faces the dangers that many people were unable to escape from. It's a truly captivating novel that I finished in less than 2 days.

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