Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Well, I'm finally finished with the Hunger Games trilogy! They were all really good, but the first one way surpassed the other two. I enjoyed the last one, Mockingjay, but I wish it were more like the first two, with the Arena. The storyline focuses on rebelling against the Capitol and trying to assassinate President Snow. Katniss becomes the "mockingjay" and is the face for propaganda against the Capitol. Many of the key players in the series are hurt or killed off in this book, and yes, there are some violent parts that are a bit more disturbing this time around. I did enjoy the very ending though that shows Katniss and the guy she chooses (Gale or Peeta) in the life they decide to lead with the Capitol overthrown. Counting down for the Hunger Games movie!

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