Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult

I finally got the chance to get started on Jodi Picoult's book from last year the night before I met her in person! Like always, this book delivers her controversial issues intertwined with amazing story weaving. The book starts out with Zoe, a music therapist, struggling to have a baby after many years. After what they think is a successful round of IVF, at 28 weeks the baby dies and Zoe must deliver him. This was just so heart-breaking, and brought me to tears. Just can't imagine going through that. Her husband, Max, decides that he can't go on in their marriage because Zoe cares more having a baby than her husband. After divorce, Zoe finds herself a new best friend in Vanessa and Max finds Jesus. Zoe figures out that Vanessa is more than a friend, they fall in love and get married. Vanessa and Zoe want to take the unused embryos from Zoe's previous marriage to have their own baby. Max does not want his kids raised in the "unpure, sinful household" provided by a lesbian relationship. He would like the embryos to go to his brother, Reid, and his wife, Libby, who have their own fertility issues. Then comes the court case and Max's struggle when he acts on his feelings towards Libby.This book also has an accompanying CD that flows with the plot. At the book signing it was exciting that Ellen Degeneres has bought the rights for this movie. Can't wait to see what happens with that!   

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