Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Save Karyn by Karyn Bosnak

This is a light-hearted memoir about a young lady that finds herself in over $20,000 in credit card debt. Yes, somehow she finds humor out of an issue that most of us would find utterly depressing. How did she get into the hole so bad? After moving from the midwest to New York City, Karyn goes on a shopping binge and becomes addicted to the finer things, AKA name brand items. On top of all of it, she loses her job and finds herself desperate. Unable to get it together, she puts together an internet site (savekaryn.com) and asks people to just donate a dollar to get out of debt. Much to her surprise it works! Slowly at first, but then radio shows, newspapers, and eventually TV shows get ahold of her story which draws more people in. Not only does she take donations through PayPal and the mail, she sells her big items on eBay. Although Karyn's storyline has very serious undertones and consequences, it was still an enjoyable read and it was entertaining to hear how she makes fun of herself in a dire situation. I've been pleasantly surprised with both of her books (20 Times and Lady is the other) and look forward to any future writing she does.

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